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The Tiepolo mystery

Historical crime novel

Erschienen am 12.02.2018
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783429044282
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 128 S.
Einband: Englische Broschur


The Night is the Queen of Shadows Summer of 1753: Master Tiepolo is painting the world famous fresco - The Four Continents - in the Würzburg Residence. Dragons, shady figures and puzzling hieroglyphics foresee the fall of the godly heavens. Lorenzo, the masters youngest son, wants to steer fate onto a different course. But a two faced jester and a mysterious beauty cast the court of Prince Greiffenclau into chaos. It doesnt take long for the fun and games to transform into deathly seriousness.


Jo KILIAN is the criminal alter ego of ROMANRAUSCH.eu